Currently listening to Within Temptation. and its 13th the march something magical about my favorite number!!
It started out with a Polar bear breaking the ice, well not quite from the polar bear but i think that the point where it got more interesting, and yea the number 13 exist somewhere here. A single conversation.. slapped in my face and awoken the interest inside me that was sleeping for a long time. After all most people don’t know how to have a pleasant conversation, or how a conversation could be interesting just about any topic in nature. At the moment i don’t know anything about this amazing person. Personally I am drawn towards like a magnet would when induced a new magnet. We both probably are “MAGNETS” in our own social crowds where the rest are like different types of metal alloy with different levels of force of attraction. But magnets “ATTRACTS” other magnets like non other metal alloy. i guess i am going too much in to applied physics. Well like all stories there is the “BUT” part, there is the strong belief on the impression that Politics is “SEXY”. Its no biggie i always find a way around everything, how hard can it be to get around politics.. This is a personal scoop of my life for those who care. since i stopped writing much about my personal life. Getting on with the real post!!
Now a days who writes them? the old classic Letters.. Email and instant messenger came along and there was no need to post them. cos it was so easy and it was all digital. Digital age of communication leaped forward with the introducing of Face book then there came the twitter after it. all these means of communications are used to Flirt.. or tell some one who they feel doesn’t take much just press in to few keys and hit Enter (Return) message delivered.. and appreciated. before face book people used to spend a lot of time in Blogging then it had its flaws but it was the closes to letter. but it quite had a bright side to it. A lovely post could be written and posted dedicated to some one with out the person knowing it exist. Just as my anonymous tip about an excitement in my life :D And let know some one something personal with out others quite catching what its about. Blogs can be viewed and read by many and privacy was optional. the Letter has to be dedicated. to a soul with an address for it to be delivered.Going back to Classic letter. the best part is its done by hand. It has personal touch and a feelings with in it.. it is not just another victim of the Digital age. Letter forged by the pen of a poet is priceless. Not that every one has to be a poet to write a letter of a feeling. When you spend time thinking about what to write what cleaver way to explain your feelings in few words and when u construct perfect little sentences placed in a nicely fluent paragraph the letter becomes complete. Know this that you are putting part of you in to that letter the hand writing and pen marks the stamps and the creative little designs makes it all personal and the reader is obligated to take a look in to it, and read it but a mail or a message can be deleted with out even having to open it. I personally believe a feeling is better expressed in a letter with a personal touch. we should keep those habits alive never let it go extinct. even the great Valentine him self wrote a letter dedicated to his beloved “from your Valentine”. All the great love stories and legends have the secretly send letters. How many of you would own a shoe box full of letters that was sent to you from some so dear. or how many of yo have a special folder in your mail box to show that how many mails he/she sent you. Mailing is cold, lifeless and there is no warmth of the feelings in it its just mere ones and zeros, (1110000110101). now try to make a sense out of that. Bottom line is taking time to sit own and using a pen starting off with Dear.... you are personally visiting your closet of love and personally putting it to words. Then again even the Couples, Lovers and the Friends are too busy to spare that time for the mere purpose of writing a letter when you just can text or mail while on-the-go. After all we are creatures oh habit, for ever doomed chasing for the shortcut in every thing. After all we are only human.

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